Theatre Arts


The PCC Theatre Arts (TA) program offers a wide variety of courses focusing on performance, design and technical theatre skills.  Courses are taught primarily at the Sylvania campus, and occasionally at the Rock Creek and the Cascade campuses.  The Sylvania-based program produces three main-stage productions per school year.  The plays we produce are selected to offer as many opportunities for our diverse community of students to practice hands-on skill building in all areas of theatre production. Our productions vary from works by Shakespeare, Caryl Churchill, Jane Austen, Thornton Wilder, Lucille Fletcher, Jeffrey Hatcher, Euripides, Mary Zimmerman, Tom Stoppard, Noel Coward, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Stan Sakai and Orson Welles, as well our own devised works among other notable dramatists.

The Theatre Arts program is housed in the Sylvania campus’ Performing Arts Center (PAC), which houses a state-of-the-art proscenium multi-use theater and facility, which doubles as PCC’s most popular rental facility serving 800+ annual events. The skills taught in TA program tech and design classes (and work in productions) train students to qualify for paid work in the PAC's numerous rentals throughout the academic year, often leading to further employment in the greater Portland metro theatre community and unions.

The Sylvania TA program embraces collaboration, equity, diversity and inclusion onstage, offstage, and in the classroom. Our popular productions utilize students in all roles; actors, technicians, crew and designers, all of whom collaborate with professional staff, faculty and guest artists. The TA courses at Sylvania prepare community college students in the arts of fundamentals and intermediate acting; beginning and advanced improvisation; fundamentals and intermediate scenic, costume, lighting, and make-up design; backstage crew positions; stage management and stagecraft.

Our theatre-centered students often go on to obtain professional employment, are active in many areas of semi-professional and professional theatre, or excel with the hands-on skills obtained here when transferring to four-year academic programs. 

The Sylvania TA program follows a two-year cycle, including a bi-annual commitment to Classical, a Musical, Diverse Playwrights, and an American Classic. Students are required to take credit courses when involved in TA productions at all levels, and varying credit options are available. Auditions and crew assignments are open to all, where prior experience is also acknowledged with greater responsibility and the possibilities of crew leadership and assistant design when appropriate.

Theatre Arts courses provide a nurturing atmosphere for exploration of this collaborative and compelling art form.  The Theatre Arts Club, when active, also produces short works, occasional original works and staged readings. The popular Improvisation classes (and clubs) have performed regularly in the past and has won local acclaim and competitions.

The emerging TA program at the Cascade Campus has a vital relationship with the PCC Multimedia program and supports recorded video production and may include courses in Acting, Improvisation, Theatre Appreciation, Acting for Camera and paves the way to Multimedia courses (Directing Actors for the Camera, Directing for Narrative). 

TA 101. Theatre Appreciation. 4 Credits.

Explores live theatre productions in Portland area. Provides opportunity to enrich understanding and appreciation of different varieties of theatrical events. Includes reading, attending and critiquing plays. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Arts and Letters/AL

TA 111. Fundamentals of Technical Theatre. 4 Credits.

Covers basic principles and techniques of technical theatre such as stage design, lighting, properties and stage management. Explores the role of the technician in the theatre organization. Lecture and lab allows flexible scheduling. Audit available.

TA 112. Introduction to Scenic Design. 4 Credits.

Covers elements of technical theater including practical hands-on experience in designing for the stage, construction, scenic design and stage rigging. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 113. Introduction to Stage Lighting. 4 Credits.

Explores theater and studio lighting. Focuses on elements of electricity, optics, stage lighting design, color in light, stage lighting instruments and intensity controls. Participate in stage lab activities. Audit available.

TA 116. Stagecraft. 3 Credits.

Introduces the basic operation of the stage, scene shop and their related equipment in relation to actual production. Covers the use of power tools as well as, construction materials and techniques used in the modern theater. Gives the student knowledge of the fundamental aspects of technical theater leading to an understanding of an appreciation for the art of stagecraft. Students are required to do three hours of lab a week and participation in departmental productions presented that term. Prerequisite: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 141. Fundamentals of Acting Techniques. 4 Credits.

Introduces basic theatrical acting techniques. Offers opportunity to develop critical thinking and acting skills through reading and analyzing plays. Covers and explores the beginning-level awareness of the physical and vocal skills required of a stage performer. Includes reading and analyzing plays to develop critical thinking and acting skills. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Arts and Letters/AL

TA 142. Fundamentals of Acting Techniques. 4 Credits.

Acquire concentration and relaxation in approaching a role. Improve performance skills with focus on vocal and physical control. Scene study is used. Prerequisite: TA 141 and its prerequisite requirements. Audit available.

TA 143. Fundamentals of Acting Techniques. 4 Credits.

Practice skills from TA 141 and TA 142. Stresses further inquiry and use of knowledge and skills in performance. Includes audition techniques. Prerequisite: TA 141 and its prerequisite requirements. Audit available.

TA 144. Improvisational Theatre. 4 Credits.

Covers the use of the body and senses to express oneself and communicate with others. Includes exercise, theatre games and impromptu scenes to tap the creative potential of the human imagination. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 145. Acting for the Camera. 4 Credits.

Identifies, exercises and utilizes the actor's resources to develop acting techniques specifically meant for acting on a visually recorded medium (on camera). Audit available.

TA 162. Introduction to Costume Construction. 3 Credits.

Explores principles of costume construction and alteration techniques to create finished costumes based upon an original design and/or renderings. Develops skills in sewing, measuring, beginning drafting, draping, and alterations. Requires observing or contributing to the process of producing costumes for a Theatre Arts production. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 163. Introduction to Costume Crafts. 3 Credits.

Provides an overview of craft and sewing techniques used for creating costume pieces that are crafted in addition to being sewn. Explores a variety of construction techniques and materials to create unique costume pieces for a Theatre Arts production. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 166A. Costume Fundamentals Lab A. 1 Credit.

Introduces fundamental aspects of costume creation. Offers opportunities for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, and maintaining unique costumes for the stage. Provides hands-on opportunities to develop skills and use professional tools to explore and enhance costume construction skills. Prerequisites: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 166B. Costume Fundamentals Lab B. 2 Credits.

Continues to explore fundamental aspects of costume creation and construction. Offers opportunities for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, and maintaining unique costumes for the stage. Provides hands-on opportunities to develop skills and use professional tools to explore and enhance costume construction skills. Prerequisites: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 167A. Costume Technology Lab A. 1 Credit.

Introduces basic hand and machine sewing techniques. Offers an opportunity for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, or maintaining costumes for the stage. Provides hands-on opportunities to develop skills and use professional tools to explore and refine costume construction skills. Prerequisites: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 167B. Costume Technology Lab B. 2 Credits.

Introduces a variety of intermediate hand and machine sewing techniques for multiple projects. Offers an opportunity for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, and maintaining costumes for the stage. Provides hands-on opportunities to develop skills and use professional tools to explore and enhance costume construction skills. Prerequisite: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 168A. Costume Craft Projects Lab A. 1 Credit.

Covers identifying, choosing, and implementing the appropriate materials for a basic costume craft project. Offers an opportunity for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, and maintaining costumes for the stage. Includes a hands-on assignment, using construction skills and professional tools, to explore and refine costume construction skills. Prerequisite: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 168B. Costume Craft Projects Lab B. 2 Credits.

Covers identifying, choosing, and implementing the appropriate materials for numerous basic costume craft projects. Offers multiple opportunities for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, and maintaining costumes for the stage. Includes a hands-on assignment, using construction skills and professional tools, to explore and refine costume construction skills. Prerequisites: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 180A. Theater Rehearsal and Performance. 1 Credit.

Credit for performance in theater production, if cast. Gain first-hand experience in performance techniques. Audition required. Audit available.

TA 180B. Theater Rehearsal and Performance. 2 Credits.

Performance in theater production. Audition required. Audit available.

TA 180C. Theater Rehearsal and Performance. 3 Credits.

Performance in theater production. Audition required. Audit available.

TA 180D. Theater Rehearsal and Performance. 4 Credits.

Performance in theater production. Audition required. Audit available.

TA 190A. Projects in Theatre A. 1 Credit.

Provides an opportunity to co-design an independent project associated with the current mainstage theatre production. Includes an assigned role within the production team which may be off stage, front of house, or backstage. Learning contract with theatre arts instructor covering the course expectations required. Prerequisite: Instructor approval required. Audit available.

TA 190B. Projects in Theatre B. 2 Credits.

Provides a variety of opportunities to co-design an independent project associated with the current mainstage theatre production. Includes a self-accountable role within the creative or production team which may be off stage or backstage. Learning contract with theatre arts instructor covering the course expectations required. Audit available.

TA 190C. Projects in Theatre C. 3 Credits.

Provides an opportunity to co-design an independent project associated with the current mainstage theatre production with instructor. Includes a self-accountable role within the creative or production team which may be on, off stage or backstage. Learning contract with theatre arts instructor covering the course content required. Audit available.

TA 211. Intermediate Technical Theatre. 4 Credits.

Covers intermediate elements of technical theatre directly associated with current performing arts production(s). Includes practical hands-on experience in a leadership role for one or more of the following: scenery, lighting, projection, sound, stage management and properties management. Prerequisites: TA 111 or instructor permission, and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 212. Intermediate Scenic Design. 4 Credits.

Provides an opportunity to design for the stage with a hands-on approach to construction, scenic design, and stage rigging. Prerequisite: TA 112 or instructor approval, and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 213. Intermediate Stage Lighting. 4 Credits.

Offers a deeper investigation of content covered by TA 113: Introduction to Stage Lighting. Provides leadership opportunities and additional projects in stage productions. Covers software used to produce lighting designs. Prerequisites: TA 113 or instructor approval, and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 227. Stage Make-up. 3 Credits.

Techniques of applying stage make-up including use of tools and products. Focuses on analyzing the character and theater to create the best make-up for various roles on any given stage. Class time is divided into lecture and student make-up projects. Audit available.

TA 241. Intermediate Acting Techniques. 4 Credits.

Introduces intermediate acting techniques. Continues to explore text analysis and performance skills. Develops an intermediate-level awareness of the physical and vocal skills required of a stage performer. Includes one-act plays assigned as projects. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 244. Intermediate Improvisation. 4 Credits.

Emphasizes the development of improvisational acting skills for sustained narrative and long-form of improvisational theater. Covers the creation of narrative structures using the senses, intuition, body awareness and vocal qualities. Stresses team work and the development of group cohesion. Prerequisites: TA 144 and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 250A. Technical Theatre Production A. 1 Credit.

Provides the opportunity to learn and apply elementary technical theatre skills. Participation in the main stage production required. Prerequisites: Instructor approval required, and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 250B. Technical Theatre Production B. 2 Credits.

Provides the opportunity to learn and apply basic technical theatre skills. Employs teamwork skills to collaborate throughout the production process. Participation in the main stage production required. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 250C. Technical Theatre Production C. 3 Credits.

Provides the opportunity to learn and apply intermediate technical skills in one or more areas of technical theatre. Employ teamwork skills to collaborate throughout the production process. Participation in the mainstage production required. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 253A. Theatre Rehearsal and Performance. 1 Credit.

Performance in a play. May be repeated. Audition required. Audit available.

TA 253B. Theatre Rehearsal and Performance. 2 Credits.

Performance in a play. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Audition. Audit available.

TA 253C. Theatre Rehearsal and Performance. 3 Credits.

Performance in a play. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Audition. Audit available.

TA 261. Introduction to Costuming. 3 Credits.

Surveys costume history, design, and basic patterning-to-construction techniques. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

TA 262. Intermediate Costume Construction. 3 Credits.

Continues to explore principles of costume construction and alteration techniques to create finished costumes based upon an original design and/or renderings. Develops intermediate-level skills in sewing, measuring, drafting, draping, and alterations. Requires observing or contributing to the process of producing costumes for a Theatre Arts production. Prerequisites: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 263. Intermediate Costume Crafts. 3 Credits.

Provides specific intermediate hands-on techniques and practices used in creating costume pieces that are crafted rather than sewn. Explores a variety of materials to design and complete elements for a Theatre Arts production. Prerequisite: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 266A. Advanced Costume Lab A. 2 Credits.

Introduces advanced aspects of costume creation. Offers an opportunity for using costume-related construction skills for creating, building, altering, or maintaining costumes for the stage. Provides hands-on assignments to explore and refine costume construction skills using professional tools. Prerequisite: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 266B. Advanced Costume Lab B. 2 Credits.

Continues to explore intermediate aspects of costume creation and construction. Provides an opportunity for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, and maintaining costumes for the stage. Provides hands-on opportunities to explore and refine costume construction skills using professional tools. Prerequisites: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 267A. Advanced Costume Technology Lab A. 1 Credit.

Covers advanced hand- and machine-sewing and serging techniques. Offers a broad range of opportunities for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, or maintaining costumes for the stage. Provides hands-on assignments to explore and refine costume construction skills using professional tools. Prerequisite: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 267B. Advanced Costume Technology Lab B. 2 Credits.

Covers intermediate hand-and machine-sewing, serging, cutting, and costume construction techniques. Offers a broad range of opportunities for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, and maintaining costumes for the stage. Provides hands-on assignments to explore and refine costume construction skills using professional tools. Prerequisites: MTH 20 or equivalent. Audit available.

TA 268A. Intermediate Costume Craft Projects Lab A. 1 Credit.

Covers determining the appropriate materials and completing an intermediate-level costume craft project. Offers a broad range of opportunities for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, and maintaining costumes for the stage. Includes a hands-on assignment to explore and refine costume construction skills using professional tools. Prerequisites: MTH 20 or equivalent, and (TA 168A or TA 168B or instructor permission). Audit available.

TA 268B. Intermediate Costume Craft Project Lab B. 2 Credits.

Covers the identification of and determining appropriate materials for an intermediate-level costume, craft or prop. Offers a broad range of opportunities for using costume-related skills in creating, building, altering, and maintaining costumes or a costume craft for the stage. Includes hands-on assignments to explore and refine costume construction skills using professional-level tools. Prerequisites: MTH 20. Audit available.

TA 290A. Advanced Theatre Projects A. 1 Credit.

Provides an opportunity for an advanced individual project connected to a theatre production such as Crew Chief, Rigger, Assistant to the Director, Assistant to the Master Electrician, and Assistant to the Costumers. Learning contract with theatre arts instructor covering the course expectations required. Prerequisite: Instructor permission required. Audit available.

TA 290B. Advanced Theatre Projects B. 2 Credits.

Provides an opportunity for an advanced, self-directed, individual project connected to a technical theatre production. Learning contract with theatre arts instructor covering the course expectations required. Audit available.

TA 290C. Advanced Theatre Projects C. 3 Credits.

Provides an opportunity to co-design a specific role an independent project associated with a main stage theatre production. Learning contract with theatre arts instructor covering the course expectations required. Audit available.