Health Studies


Health Studies courses aim to encourage students to think critically about health, the systems that influence individual and community health, and strategies that promote health and well-being within themselves, communities, and the environment.

Health Studies faculty consider social justice and health equity as fundamental components of health. Health Studies curriculum is intentionally designed and delivered to engage and empower students to apply these connections in their own lives, communities, and in the global context.

Health Studies courses may:

  • Provide transferable credits
  • Satisfy Social Science General Education degree requirements
  • Satisfy Health and Wellness degree requirement for the AAOT and AS degrees
  • Include Community-based Learning, by directly supporting projects that deepen and contextualize course learning outcomes by addressing the needs of our community  
  • Include courses required for completion of Focus Awards, including the Health Studies Focus Award
Health Studies Mission:

Health Studies faculty support student success and guide student progress in meeting their personal, academic, and/or professional goals by providing high-quality instruction and curriculum.

Health Studies Vision:

Empowers examination and engagement with personal, social, political, economic, cultural, and environmental factors impacting the health and wellness of individuals and society.

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HE 112. Standard First Aid and Emergency Care. 1 Credit.

Describes emergency procedures and techniques of basic life support for adult, child, or infant victims of airway obstruction, respiratory arrest and/or cardiac arrest. Provides education and training in Automated External Defibrillator. Upon successful completion of this course, students may earn an American Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR/AED Adult/Child and Infant CPR certificate. Recommend: RD 115 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

HE 207. Seminar in Biomedical, Behavioral and Health Sciences. 1 Credit.

Introduces an interdisciplinary, science-based overview of key issues and current research in scientific fields of study related to biomedical, behavioral, and health sciences through class meetings and off-campus professional seminars sponsored by academic and research institutions throughout the Portland metropolitan area. Recommended: WR 121Z. Audit available.

HE 212. Women's Health. 4 Credits.

Examines women's health from a local, national, and global perspective. Explores cultural, social, behavioral, and environmental issues that influence women's health, investigates the causes and potential solutions for women's health issues, and introduces skills and strategies for health promotion and disease prevention. Analyzes facets of women's health, such as feminism, body image, drug abuse, violence against women, childbearing, disease, and aging. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Social Sciences/SS

HE 213. Men's Health. 4 Credits.

Examines the individual, behavioral, social, and cultural factors impacting the health and wellness of men. Provides an overview of health differences between various communities of men. Explores possible root causes of these differences. Discusses health and wellness promotion strategies. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Social Sciences/SS

HE 242. Stress and Human Health. 4 Credits.

Explores and analyzes stress and its relationship to human health. Examines how stress is impacted by individual, interpersonal, community, and societal factors. Evaluates evidence-based stress-management techniques and strategies. Recommended: WR 121Z. Audit available.

HE 250. Personal Health. 3 Credits.

Inspires close examination and evaluation of factors that influence one's personal health and wellness. Involves critical analysis of health information related to the biological, psychological, sociocultural, and environmental impacts on personal health from a wellness perspective. Audit available.

HE 251. Community and Public Health. 4 Credits.

Examines the socio-economic, behavioral, biological, environmental, and other factors that impact human health and contribute to health disparities. Investigates basic processes, concepts, approaches, and interventions that identify and address the major health-related needs and concerns of populations. Provides an overview and history of the health system and the role of local, state, federal, and global public health entities in health promotion and disease prevention. Explores career opportunities in public health. May include community-based learning. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Social Sciences/SS

HE 252. First Aid - Basics and Beyond. 4 Credits.

Introduces first aid and emergency knowledge and skills in the work, community, and home environment. Examines first aid care in remote and/or wilderness settings. Upon successful completion of this course, students may earn an American Red Cross Responding to Emergencies Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Certificate. Recommended: (RD 115 or IRW 115) or equivalent placement.

HE 254. Weight Management and Personal Health. 3 Credits.

Course examines the causes of obesity, its impact on human health and explores weight loss and diet options for the individual from a holistic perspective, including social, emotional, and physical dimensions of human health. Recommended: Students have a WR 121Z skill level. Audit available.

HE 255. Health, Film, and Media. 4 Credits.

Explore public health as it is presented in various forms of film and media. Critically evaluate the landscape of public health in today's society. Engage in dialogue with relevant public health issues to further develop a healthier future. Recommended: WR 121Z or any writing course for which WR 121Z is a prerequisite. Audit available.

HE 262. Children's Health. 4 Credits.

Explores children's health from biological, socio-cultural, behavioral, and environmental perspectives. Introduces strategies for children's health promotion and disease prevention. Examines factors impacting children's health and investigates causes and potential solutions for children's health issues such as environmental toxins, nutrition, epigenetics, illness and disease, trauma, racism, anxiety and depression. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Social Sciences/SS

HE 264. Food Systems and Public Health. 4 Credits.

Examines the connections among diet, industrial and sustainable agriculture, the environment, and public health. Explores factors such as equity, food insecurity, food justice, sustainability, and the historical, economic and political forces that have shaped food systems both nationally and globally. May include community-based learning. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Social Sciences/SS

HE 278. Human Health and the Environment. 3 Credits.

Examines the interconnected relationship between the environment and human health. Explores how the natural, built, and social environments impact human health as well as how humans impact the health of the planet. Analyzes factors that influence human and environmental health including public policies, communities, organizational structures, interpersonal relationships and individual factors. Focuses on environmental justice, advocacy, climate change, toxins, food systems, air pollution, land use, and water issues. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Social Sciences/SS

HE 295. Health and Fitness for Life. 2 Credits.

Explores how the interrelationships of physical activity and social determinants of health affect lifelong health, wellness, and physical fitness. Applies fitness principles and wellness concepts to promote health, wellness, and improve physical fitness. Audit available.