College students face numerous challenges, not the least of which are learning how to manage time, finances, and personal commitments. While developing an understanding of their own unique strengths and skills, students must choose an appropriate major and make careful career choices. These challenges, combined with those of everyday living, present an opportunity to grow from important life experiences, renew one’s career commitments, and oftentimes, manage an exciting career change.
PCC’s College Success and Career Guidance courses are designed to help students get the most out of their college experience; choose a career or major; explore changing careers; and assess and develop strengths and personal skills. “College Survival and Success” and “Scholarships: $$ for College” gives students the tools and resources to begin their college experience successfully; “Study Skills for College Learning” helps students develop their academic abilities; and “Career and Life Planning” offers students tools to make important major and career decisions. Other personal growth and self-enhancement courses, such as “Stress Management” and “Decision Making” allow students to grasp the day-to-day challenges they face in balancing school and life.
CG 58. Math Literacy Success. 1 Credit.
Explores attitudes, emotions and barriers towards math. Covers learning strategies to enhance math success, including math focused study skills, anxiety reduction techniques, learning styles, and more. Includes strategies for developing motivation and persistence for math class preparation and test taking.
CG 100. College Survival and Success. 3 Credits.
Provides information and techniques for time, money and self-management, including motivation, goal setting, and accepting personal responsibility for college success. Includes developing skills for navigating a culturally diverse learning environment and utilizing college resources and services. Completion of CG 100 is equivalent to CG 101-102-103. Audit available.
CG 101. College Survival and Success: Personal Responsibility. 1 Credit.
Provides information and techniques for personal responsibility as a means for creating college success. Introduces developing skills for navigating a culturally diverse learning environment and utilizing college resources and services. First course in a series (CG 101-103). Completion of CG 101-102-103 is equivalent to CG 100. Audit available.
CG 102. College Survival and Success: Goal Setting. 1 Credit.
Provides information on the role of goal-setting as a means for creating college success. Continues to develop skills for navigating a culturally diverse learning environment and for utilizing college resources and services. Second course in the series (CG101-103). Completion of CG 101-102-103 is equivalent to CG 100. Prerequisites: CG 101. Audit available.
CG 103. College Survival and Success: Self-Management. 1 Credit.
Focuses on the role of self-management as a means for creating college success. Continues to develop skills for navigating a culturally diverse learning environment and accessing college resources and services. Third course in a series (CG101-103). Completion of CG 101-102-103 is equivalent to CG 100. Prerequisites: CG 101. Audit available.
CG 105. Scholarships: $$ for College. 2 Credits.
Provides a systematic approach to researching and applying for scholarships. Topics include: Creating a scholarship portfolio, Oregon Student Assistance Commission application, PCC Foundation application, internet resources, and research strategies. Students will identify skills, accomplishments, values, goals, and life experiences, and learn strategies to translate them into an effective scholarship application. Interviewing tips will be discussed. Panels and guest speakers, including scholarship winners, will share perspectives on the scholarship process. Corequisite: WR 105: Scholarship Essay Writing Audit available.
CG 111. Study Skills for College Learning. 1-4 Credit.
Provides information, techniques, strategies and skills helpful in becoming more efficient in note taking, active listening, using college resources, and taking exams. Includes development of skills in scheduling study time, mindset, memory strategies, collaboration, and critical thinking. Requires a learning agreement between the instructor and students that outlines learning goals specific to the number of credits the students are completing. Audit available.
CG 111A. Study Skills for College Learning. 3 Credits.
Provides information, techniques, strategies and skills helpful in becoming more efficient in note taking, textbook reading, and taking exams. Includes identification of preferred learning style and development of skills in scheduling study time, library research, memory strategies and critical thinking. Prerequisites: Placement into WR 115 and RD 115. Audit available.
CG 111B. Study Skills for College Learning. 2 Credits.
Provides information, techniques, strategies and skills helpful in becoming more efficient in note taking, textbook reading, and taking exams. Assists with identification of preferred learning style and development of skills in scheduling study time and memory strategies. Prerequisites: Placement into WR 115 and RD 115. Audit available.
CG 111C. Study Skills for College Learning. 1 Credit.
Provides information and techniques in note taking, textbook reading, taking exams, and developing a study schedule. Prerequisites: Placement into WR 115 and RD 115. Audit available.
CG 112. Managing Test Anxiety. 1 Credit.
Provides information about test anxiety and strategies to help overcome barriers to effective test taking to improve overall test performance. Audit available.
CG 114. Financial Survival for College Students. 1 Credit.
Provides basic information and strategies to empower individuals to make positive decisions about funding their education and establishing control over their financial lives, leading to financial independence and reduced life stress. Introduces: funding college, budgeting, wise use of credit, controlling debt, basic financial planning, effective financial decision making, and avoiding financial mistakes and pitfalls. CG 114 and BA 114 are equivalent. Only one may be taken for credit. Prerequisite: (WR 90 and RD 90) or IRW 90 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
CG 130. Today's Careers. 2 Credits.
Explores a wide range of occupations, and identifies the educational and skill requirements for each. Covers ways of gathering information about specific occupations. Includes perspectives on a variety of careers to further illustrate the realities of the world of work. Audit available.
CG 130H. Introduction to Today's Careers: Health. 2 Credits.
Explores career opportunities in the health professions. The focus will be on the educational and licensing requirements, professional and ethical responsibilities, physical requirements, workplace environment and career pathways of each profession. Audit available.
CG 135A. Career Encounters: Professional Arts. 1 Credit.
Explores opportunities in professional arts-related career fields through an experiential process. Showcases three to five programs which may include graphic design, photography, magazine publishing, literary composition, and music production. Includes instruction on how to research information about targeted careers and the realities of the world of work. Corequisite: CG 136A.
CG 135C. Career Encounters: Construction. 1 Credit.
Explores career opportunities in construction-related career technical fields through an experiential process. Showcases three to five programs which may include space planning and design, computer-aided design, essential construction tools, design building, and remodeling. Includes instruction in how to research information about targeted careers and the realities of the world of work. Corequisite: CG 136C.
CG 135T. Career Encounters: Transportation. 1 Credit.
Explores career opportunities in transportation related career technical fields through an experiential process. Showcases three to five programs. Includes lectures covering how to research information about targeted careers and the realities of the world of work. Corequisites: CG 136T.
CG 136A. Career Encounters Lab: Professional Arts. 1 Credit.
Provides an immersion into professional arts-related program classrooms, shops, and labs to learn basic skills and to participate in hands-on activities of these industries. Presents information by content experts in programs represented by graphic design, photography, magazine publishing, literary composition, and/or music production. Corequisite: CG 135A.
CG 136C. Career Encounters Lab: Construction. 1 Credit.
Provides an immersion into construction-related career technical program classrooms, shops, and labs to learn basic skills and to participate in hands-on activities related to these industries. Presents information by content experts in all construction-type CTE programs at PCC which may include space planning and design, computer-aided design, essential construction tools, design building, and remodeling. Corequisite: CG 135C.
CG 136T. Career Encounters Lab: Transportation. 1 Credit.
Provides an immersion into transportation related career technical program classrooms, shops, and labs to learn basic skills and to participate in hands-on activities of these industries. Course is team taught by content experts in all CTE programs represented. Corequisite: CG 135T.
CG 140A. Career and Life Planning. 3 Credits.
Provides tools and resources for making informed career decisions. Covers assessing career confidence and readiness, skills, values, interests, personality, barriers, lifestyle, education and approaches to decision making. Covers how to research career information. Includes educational decision-making which covers determining a field or program of study, and college or training program. Prerequisites: Placement into WR 115 and RD 115. Audit available.
CG 140B. Career and Life Planning. 2 Credits.
Provides tools and resources for making informed career decisions. Covers assessing skills, values, interests, personality, barriers, lifestyle, education and approaches to decision making. Covers how to research career information. Includes educational decision-making which covers determining a field or program of study. Prerequisites: Placement into WR 115 and RD 115. Audit available.
CG 140C. Career and Life Planning. 1 Credit.
Provides tools and resources for making informed career decisions. Covers assessing skills, values, interests, and personality toward making a career decision. Covers how to research career information and methods of exploring careers. Prerequisites: Placement into WR 115 and RD 115. Audit available.
CG 144. Introduction to Assertiveness. 1 Credit.
Covers assertive personal and professional communication. Focuses on behavior, skill development, and self advocacy in conflict resolution. Audit available.
CG 145. Stress Management. 2 Credits.
Introduces the causes, sources, and effects of stress (physiological, psychological, emotional, cognitive, and intrapersonal/interpersonal) from a personal and academic perspective. Facilitates application of tools and techniques to identify, prevent, and manage stressors to improve academic success. Recommended: Placement into RD 115 and WR 115. Audit available.
CG 146. Value Clarification. 1 Credit.
Examines beliefs, attitudes and values behind decisions and actions including whether behavior matches stated beliefs, evaluating consequences of choices and developing a process that will enable the development of personalized values. Audit available.
CG 147. Decision Making. 1 Credit.
Introduces the concept of decision making in both personal and professional environments. Includes an overview of goal setting and decision making models. Audit available.
CG 185. Intercultural Leadership for Mentees. 1 Credit.
Provides an opportunity for students from diverse cultural backgrounds to celebrate their cultural identity, develop educational goals and enhance their leadership skills. Includes college retention strategies, multi-cultural communication, diversity, team-building, community and environmental responsibility, critical thinking, problem solving, cultural awareness and self-reflection. Connects students with a mentor(s) through a series of interactive sessions. Prerequisites: Instructor permission. Audit available.
CG 190. Intercultural Leadership for Mentors. 3 Credits.
Explores concepts of cross-cultural leadership and mentorship styles. Assists in the development of leadership and mentorship skills with the intent of supporting college success and retention of self and others. Includes teambuilding, goal-setting, role modeling, public speaking, time management, ethics, diversity, and customer service. Inspires the cultivation of a personal leadership vision and cross-cultural awareness, respect, and understanding. Requirement: Must pass a criminal background check if working with middle or high school students. Audit available.
CG 191. Exploring Identity and Diversity for College Success. 4 Credits.
Introduces the impact of diversity and social justice on human development as they relate to the experiences of college students. Explores different facets of identity development and how one's culture impacts their college experience. Includes developing cultural consciousness and skills beneficial for success in college and in a diverse society. Prerequisite: Placement into WR 121Z, and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Cultural Literacy, Cultural Literacy/DIV, Social Sciences/SS
CG 209. Job Finding Skills. 1-2 Credit.
Explores a broad range of job search techniques, including building a job network, compiling appropriate information for job applications, targeting cover letters, and developing resumes. Covers typical interview questions and strategies, and managing one's public information. Promotes overall understanding of the job search process. Requires a learning agreement between the instructor and students that outlines learning goals specific to the number of credits the students are completing. Audit available.
CG 225. Transfer to a Four Year College. 2 Credits.
Explores the planning of transferring to a four-year college. Includes the various processes, requirements, and issues that impact successful transitions. Provides strategies and information critical to academic development and adjustment to the four-year college system. Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 and RD 115. Audit available.
CG 280A. CE: Career Development. 1-4 Credit.
Students earn credit for learning from practical experience at a worksite related to their major or career goal. Appropriate work experiences provide opportunities for new learning and skill development. May be repeated up to 12 credits.
CG 0693. Confidence Building. 1 Credit.
Explores the concept of self-confidence: how it is acquired, how it can be sabotaged, and how it can be changed. Develops strategies, tools and techniques to build a positive self-image. Audit available.