Bioscience Technology

Career and Program Description

Bioscience Technology refers to the research, development, and manufacturing of products which use the processes, products or principles of living organisms to solve problems. The applications of bioscience range from developing and manufacturing better ways to diagnose and treat disease, to improving the production of plant crops, and even using microorganisms to clean up toxic wastes. The field is dynamic, employing applications and innovations that in many cases cut across traditional disciplines. Skilled technicians with broad-based laboratory training find employment in a variety of settings, working with scientists at all levels in research, development, manufacturing, testing, and quality control and assurance. Technicians are needed in both large and small companies, research institutions, at local and state agencies, in private service laboratories and in some related industries.

Course work in the Bioscience program involves four distinct elements. Basic science courses provide the background information so that technical elements can be more completely understood. The foundation course work provides a broad base of technical knowledge that prepares individuals for entry-level positions in a variety of Bioscience companies, and includes emphasis on working in a regulated environment, as well as developing skill in technical communication and job readiness. The core of these foundation courses make up the Bioscience Technician Certificate. The advanced technical courses develop more specific skill sets, and provide for development of the fundamental skills in this more advanced context. Students may choose some electives from outside of the BIT program, in order to increase the breadth of training or focus on a specific sector of the bioscience industry. Students have the option to put their skills and knowledge into a working context through a work experience component. Certificate students must achieve an overall GPA of 2.0 in all required bioscience courses.

Degrees and Certificates Offered

Associate of Applied Science Degree

Bioscience Technology

Less than One-Year: Career Pathway Certificate

Bioscience Technician
Advanced Bioscience Technologist

Academic Prerequisites

  • AAS Bioscience Technology: Completion of MTH 95, WR 121Z , Biology (BI 112  or BI 211 or equivalent), and Chemistry (CH 151 or CH 221 or equivalent), each with a grade of "C" or "P" or better
  • Bioscience Technician Certificate: Placement into IRW 115 or (WR 115 and RD 115) and MTH 95 .
  • Advanced Bioscience Technologist Certificate: Placement into  WR 121Z , and MTH 95 .
  • The Bioscience Technology program is a restricted entry program with limited enrollment. Contact the department for instructions.

Academic Requirements

  • Students must achieve an overall GPA of 2.0 in order to earn the certificate. 

Non-Academic Prerequisites

  • None

Non-Academic Requirements

  • None

Bioscience Technology AAS Degree

Minimum 90 credits. Students must also meet Associate Degree Comprehensive Requirements and Associate of Applied Science Requirements. Students must complete a total of four courses of General Education. Some courses specified within the program may be used as General Education. In addition to required courses in the program of study, students must satisfy MTH 58/65 competency. A Cooperative Education experience is not required, however, it is strongly encouraged. Students should consult with program advisors for course planning.

Bioscience Technology Degree Courses

BA 216AData Analytics with Excel and Tableau 14
or CIS 121 Information Systems and Programming
BI 112Cell Biology for Health Occupations *, 25
or BI 211 Principles of Biology I
BIT 102Current Topics in Bioscience Technology2
BIT 105Safety in the Bioscience Workplace2
BIT 107Bioscience Lab Math2
BIT 109Basic Laboratory Techniques and Instruments5
BIT 125Quality Systems in Bioscience Technology2
BIT 126Applied Quality Practice3
BIT 181Exploring Bioscience3
CH 151Preparatory Chemistry *, 25
or CH 221 General Chemistry I
WR 121Composition I (WR121=WR121Z) 2,Z4
Basic Science Electives 19
Bioscience Degree Electives 338
General Education: 2 courses 1
Total Credits90

 Could be used as General Education.


General Education courses & additional foundation coursework can be completed before or during enrollment in BIT courses.


Prerequisite coursework (required before enrollment in BIT 105 or higher).


Bioscience Degree Elective coursework requires a minimum of 20 credits in courses with a BIT prefix.


This course is part of Oregon Common Course Numbering. WR 121 and WR 121Z  are equivalent.

Basic Science Electives

BI 121Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology I4
BI 211Principles of Biology I *15
BI 212Principles of Biology II *15
BI 213Principles of Biology III *15
BI 222Human Genetics3
BI 231Human Anatomy & Physiology I4
BI 234Microbiology *5
BI 287Introduction to Immunology4
CH 211Introduction to Biochemistry *4
CH 221General Chemistry I *15
CH 222General Chemistry II *15
CH 223General Chemistry III *15
MTH 244Statistics II4
STAT 243Elementary Statistics I (MTH/STAT243=STAT243Z) Z4

Could be used as General Education.


Students who are interested in transferring to PSU for a BS degree in Biology will need to complete BI 211, BI 212, BI 213, CH 221, CH 222, and CH 223 in order to be eligible for placement in upper-division Biology and Chemistry courses at PSU.


This course is part of Oregon Common Course Numbering. MTH 243, STAT 243, and STAT 243Z are equivalent.

Bioscience Degree Electives2

Elective BIT Coursework (at least 20 credits required in BIT)
BIT 201Immunochemical Methods5
BIT 203Recombinant DNA5
BIT 205Bioseparations5
BIT 207Cell Culture5
BIT 215Protein Purification5
BIT 223Advanced DNA Techniques5
BIT 280ABioscience Technology Work Experience4-8
Elective Coursework in other departments
BA 255Project Management Essentials4
Computer Skills Electives (recommended for students interested in careers in bioinformatics and related fields)
CIS 121Information Systems and Programming4
CIS 122Introduction to Programming Logic4
CIS 125DDatabase Application Development I4
CIS 133YPython Programming I4
CIS 233YPython Programming II4
CIS 277AData Analytics4
CIS 277SIntroduction to Data Science4
Mechanical Skills Electives (recommended for students interested in careers in biomanufacturing and related fields)
MT 108Statistics for Process Control2
MT 111ADC and AC Electronics Intro4
or MT 111 Electronic Circuits & Devices I
MT 121ADigital Electronics Intro2
or MT 121 Digital Systems I
MT 131Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers3
MT 151Intro to Hand Tools and Mechanical Assembly1
MT 155Mechanical Systems5
WR 227Technical Writing (WR227=WR227Z) Z4

 20 must be BIT.


This course is part of Oregon Common Course Numbering. WR 227 and WR 227Z are equivalent.


Less than One-Year: Career Pathway Certificate

Advanced Bioscience Technologist
Bioscience Technician

Advanced Bioscience Technologist Career Pathway Certificate

Minimum 29 credits. Students must meet all certificate requirements. The Advanced Bioscience Technologist certificate is a Career Pathway. All courses are contained in the Bioscience Technology AAS Degree.

Advanced Bioscience Technologist Certificate Courses

BIT 102Current Topics in Bioscience Technology2
BIT 105Safety in the Bioscience Workplace2
BIT 107Bioscience Lab Math2
BIT 109Basic Laboratory Techniques and Instruments5
BIT 125Quality Systems in Bioscience Technology2
BIT 126Applied Quality Practice3
BIT 181Exploring Bioscience3
Advanced Bioscience Technology Electives10
Total Credits29

Advanced Bioscience Technologist Electives

BIT 201Immunochemical Methods5
BIT 203Recombinant DNA5
BIT 205Bioseparations5
BIT 207Cell Culture5
BIT 215Protein Purification5
BIT 223Advanced DNA Techniques5

Bioscience Technician Career Pathway Certificate

Minimum 19 credits. Students must also meet certificate requirements. The Biotechnician certificate is a Career Pathway. All courses are contained in the Bioscience Technology AAS Degree.

Bioscience Technician Certificate Courses

BIT 102Current Topics in Bioscience Technology2
BIT 105Safety in the Bioscience Workplace2
BIT 107Bioscience Lab Math2
BIT 109Basic Laboratory Techniques and Instruments5
BIT 125Quality Systems in Bioscience Technology2
BIT 126Applied Quality Practice3
BIT 181Exploring Bioscience3
Total Credits19

BIT 102. Current Topics in Bioscience Technology. 2 Credits.

Provides an overview of current topics in Bioscience Technology. Includes recombinant DNA technology, bioremediation, forensics, genetically modified organisms (GMO), stem cell technology, pharmaceutical drug discovery and medical devices as well as ethical and legal issues surrounding biotechnology today. Recommend: BI 112 or BI 211 or equivalent. Audit available.

BIT 105. Safety in the Bioscience Workplace. 2 Credits.

Survey of technical and regulatory aspects of physical, chemical, radiation and biological safety in the bioscience laboratory. Topics covered include: mechanical and electrical systems, hazards due to temperature and pressure, handling and storing hazardous chemicals, personal protective equipment, chemical waste disposals and spill, ionizing radiation and control measures, biological containment, disinfection/sterilization, medical waste handling, applicable regulations and guidelines. Prerequisite/Concurrent: BIT 102, CH 104 or CH 151 or CH 221, BI 102 or BI 112 or BI 211. Prerequisites: Placement into WR 115 and RD 115. Audit available.

BIT 107. Bioscience Lab Math. 2 Credits.

Develops mathematics skill and problem-solving related to work in a bioscience laboratory or biomanufacturing environment. Includes calculations for solution preparation, analysis and manipulation of molecules and cells, analysis and interpretation of data and commonly used statistical methods. Prerequisites: BIT 102, CH 104 or CH 151 or CH 221, BI 102 or BI 112 or BI 211, and MTH 65 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

BIT 109. Basic Laboratory Techniques and Instruments. 5 Credits.

Introduces fundamental principles and practices for the bioscience laboratory. Topics include: solution preparation, instrumentation for measurements (weight, volume, temperature, pH, conductivity and spectroscopy), assay techniques and routine laboratory maintenance. Covers principles of quality documentation, safety, and precise communication. Prerequisite/Concurrent: BIT 105 and BIT 107. Prerequisites: Placement into WR 115 and RD 115. Audit available.

BIT 125. Quality Systems in Bioscience Technology. 2 Credits.

Introduction to internal and external quality systems that apply to the bioscience industry, with emphasis on working in a regulated environment. Also covers various agencies that regulate the bioscience industry, FDA regulation for good laboratory and manufacturing practices (GLP and cGMP), and processes relating to product approval. Prerequisite/Concurrent: BIT 102, CH 104 or CH 151 or CH 221, BI 102 or BI 112 or BI 211. Audit available.

BIT 126. Applied Quality Practice. 3 Credits.

Introduces concepts and skills that are needed by entry level workers in the regulated bioscience and related work environments. Emphasize validation, compliance, CAPA, audit, LEAN work habits, material and product control and coordinated quality teamwork through laboratory-based activities. Prerequisites: BIT 125 and BIT 109 or instructor permission. Audit available.

BIT 181. Exploring Bioscience. 3 Credits.

Provides an overview and analysis of various Bioscience Technology work environments including research, development, and manufacturing. Covers career options, pathways, and development of skills that are needed for identification and procurement of entry level positions, education, and training opportunities in the bioscience field. Includes portfolio development and refinement of job search, resume writing and interview skills. Participation in field trips is required. Recommended: completion or concurrent enrollment in BIT 125. Prerequisite/concurrent: BIT 109 or instructor permission. Audit available.

BIT 201. Immunochemical Methods. 5 Credits.

Introduces the general properties and uses of antibody molecules. Includes an overview of immune responses, biosynthesis of immunoglobulin, obtaining, purifying and labeling antibodies, and using antibodies in a variety of common applications (ELISA, western blot, immunoprecipitation and immunocytochemistry, antibody-based affinity chromatography). Prerequisite: BIT 109 or instructor permission. Audit available.

BIT 203. Recombinant DNA. 5 Credits.

Provides a laboratory-intensive experience focusing on the strategies and techniques used in recombinant DNA work. Covers vector and insert options and preparation, quantitation of DNA, ligation and transformation procedures, and analysis by restriction digest, blot hybridization and PCR. Prerequisite: BIT 109 or instructor permission. Audit available.

BIT 205. Bioseparations. 5 Credits.

Introduces commonly used methods for separation of biological molecules for both analytical and preparative applications. Covers the principles of and practice in filtration, differential precipitation, and electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques within a laboratory setting. Prerequisite: BIT 109 or instructor permission. Audit available.

BIT 207. Cell Culture. 5 Credits.

Introduces the practice and process of culturing animal cells and cell lines in a laboratory. Focuses on routine maintenance and record-keeping, including media preparation, cryopreservation, and troubleshooting common culture problems. Prerequisite/concurrent: BIT 109 or instructor permission. Audit available.

BIT 215. Protein Purification. 5 Credits.

Application of commonly used methods for separation of biological molecules in multi-step protein purifications. This laboratory intensive course will focus on issues of recovery and yield, step-to-step analysis and troubleshooting, as well as documentation and reporting procedures and results. Prerequisite: BIT 205 or instructor permission. Audit available.

BIT 223. Advanced DNA Techniques. 5 Credits.

Laboratory-intensive course focusing on the theory and practice of techniques for analysis and manipulation of nucleic acids. Topics include construction and use of plasmid and phage libraries, DNA sequence determination and analysis, bioinformatics, and applications of PCR. Prerequisites: BIT 203 or instructor permission. Audit available.

BIT 280A. Bioscience Technology Work Experience. 4-8 Credit.

Provides an opportunity to work in a biotechnology laboratory, supervised by professionals on site and by program instructor(s). Prerequisite: BIT 181 and department permission.