

Biology course offerings include classes for those interested in the study of life at all levels, from cells to ecosystems. Both introductory and in-depth courses are offered in general biology, cell biology, botany, microbiology, anatomy and physiology and the biology of specific habitats such as marine and forest ecosystems. PCC offers biology courses for both science majors and non majors.

Work in the sciences is an important part of many college programs. Courses at PCC are organized to present basic principles and to provide a coordinated overview of the sciences as they relate to living organisms.

BI 101. Biology I. 4 Credits.

Introduces the properties of life, morphology and physiology of cells, cell chemistry, energy transformation, and the basic principles of ecology. Designed as a laboratory science course for non-biology majors. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 101H. Biology I: Honors. 4 Credits.

An honors laboratory science course for non-biology majors. Introduces the properties of life, morphology and physiology of cells, cell chemistry, energy transformation, and the basic principles of ecology and animal behavior. Course explores the application of biological principles to other disciplines. Prerequisite: 3.25 GPA, and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 102. Biology II. 4 Credits.

Presents protein synthesis, cell division, genetics, reproduction and development, and evolution. Designed as a laboratory science course for non-biology majors. Functions as the second course of a three-course sequence. Prerequisites: BI 101, and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 103. Biology III. 4 Credits.

Presents the evolutionary relationships among the kingdoms. Includes a comparison of biological systems across kingdoms. Designed as a laboratory science course for non-biology majors. Prerequisites: BI 101, and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 112. Cell Biology for Health Occupations. 5 Credits.

Includes the study of the scientific method, cellular chemistry, cell structure and function, principles of inheritance, and laboratory skills. Includes topics and skills required to continue to anatomy and physiology and microbiology. Prerequisites: IRW 115 or (WR 115 and RD 115), and (MTH 65 or MTH 98) or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 120. Survey of Body Systems. 5 Credits.

Surveys human body systems. Introduces structure and function of tissues, organs, organ systems and developmental changes over the lifespan. Covers basic chemistry and cell structure. Required prerequisite for Medical Assisting and Ophthalmic Medical Technology programs. Prerequisite: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.

BI 121. Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology I. 4 Credits.

Surveys anatomical terminology, basic chemistry, cell structure and function, tissues, and the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous. Involves lecture discussions complemented by physiological laboratory exercises, dissections, microscopy, and multimedia. Prerequisite: Placement into WR 121Z and (MTH 58 or MTH 60 or any math course for which either is a prerequisite). Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 122. Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology II. 4 Credits.

Surveys the endocrine, lymphatic, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary systems with some coverage of human development, human genetics, and immunology. Involves lecture discussions complemented by physiological laboratory exercises, dissections, microscopy, and multimedia. Prerequisite: BI 121, and (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 141. Habitats: Life of the Forest. 4 Credits.

Examines the structure and function of forest ecosystems with a focus on the Pacific Northwest. Covers distribution and interactions of plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as physical factors such as climate, soil, and water. Emphasizes plant identification, field sampling, and environmental testing in laboratory component. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 142. Habitats: Marine Biology. 4 Credits.

Provides a survey of basic ecological principles related to marine ecosystems, with a focus on local habitats and organisms. Discusses interconnectedness of human societies and marine systems. Includes a laboratory component that explores biological and physical aspects of marine systems. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 143. Habitats: Freshwater Biology. 4 Credits.

Provides a survey of basic ecological principles related to freshwater ecosystems, including streams, lakes and wetlands, with a focus on local habitats and organisms. Discusses the interconnectedness of human societies and freshwater systems. Includes a laboratory component that explores biological, chemical, and physical aspects of freshwater systems. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 145. Intro. to Fish and Wildlife Conservation and Management. 4 Credits.

Introduces ecological principles and fundamental concepts of fish and wildlife conservation and management. Explores the human-wildlife relationship and the legal, economical, and ethical aspects of conservation and management. Presents field techniques for identifying and assessing wildlife and biodiversity. Includes fieldwork. Recommended: BI 101 or equivalent. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 160. Ecology/Field Biology: Coast. 2 Credits.

Field trip experience designed to introduce the relationships among plants, animals and the general geologic formation of various life zones for the Oregon Coast. Audit available.

BI 161. Ecology/Field Bio: Great Basin. 2 Credits.

Introduces the relationships among plants, animals and the general geological formations of various life zones for the Great Basin and/or Cascades geographical areas through a field trip experience. Audit available.

BI 163. Organic Gardening. 4 Credits.

Introduces the structure and function of soils including the soil food web, composting and compost tea, and the basics of biogeochemical cycling. Explores basic plant anatomy and the growing of flowers, vegetables and fruits in the Pacific Northwest. Includes discussion of organic pest control, beneficial insects, and pruning and grafting and exploration of these concepts in laboratory. Recommended: Introductory high school biology course or equivalent experience. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 164. Bird Identification and Ecology. 4 Credits.

Introduces the biology of birds of the Pacific Northwest. Emphasizes learning bird identification in the field by sight and sounds. Covers the study of avian ecology, natural history and behavior. Introduces field techniques for identifying and studying birds. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 198. Independent Study - Biology. 1-4 Credit.

Provides an opportunity for students to work independently on an individualized area of study within biology under the sponsorship and guidance of a biology faculty member. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Audit available.

BI 200B. Principles of Ecology: Field Biology. 4 Credits.

Introduces concepts of ecology and biodiversity. Covers distribution of organisms and their interactions with their environment. Explores physical factors of ecosystems such as climate, soil, and water. Introduces field sampling, environmental testing, and exploration of factors affecting biodiversity. Often involves regional or international travel. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 202. Botany: An Introduction to the Plant Kingdom. 4 Credits.

Develops knowledge about plant anatomy, physiology, how humans interact with plants, and particularly taxonomy with an evolutionary focus. Covers mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants. Recommended for students interested in agriculture, horticulture, ethnobotany, and general botany. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 211. Principles of Biology I. 5 Credits.

Includes introduction to science, cell biochemistry, cellular biology, and Mendelian genetics. The first of a three-course sequence for students majoring in biology or related sciences, including premedical, pre-dental, chiropractic, pharmacy, and related fields. Recommended: Successful completion of high school biology and chemistry within the past seven years or equivalent experience or BI 101. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 or equivalent placement, and MTH 95 or any math course for which MTH 95 is a prerequisite. Prerequisite/Concurrent: CH 151 or CH 221 or pass the CH 151 competency exam or instructor permission. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 212. Principles of Biology II. 5 Credits.

Includes the process of science, molecular biology, as well as the physiology and anatomy of plants and animals. Includes some dissection of plants and animals. The second of a three-course sequence for students majoring in biology or related sciences, including pre-medical, pre-dental, chiropractic, and pharmacy. Prerequisite: BI 211. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 213. Principles of Biology III. 5 Credits.

Includes the process of science, evolution, systematics, and ecology. The third of a three-course sequence for students majoring in biology and the sciences, including pre-medical, pre-dental, chiropractic, pharmacy, and related fields. Prerequisite: BI 212. Audit available.

BI 222. Human Genetics. 3 Credits.

Presents the fundamentals of human genetics. Includes physical basis of inheritance, the mechanics of inheritance, probability, sex chromosomal abnormalities, autosomal anomalies, gene structure and function, molecular genetics, behavioral genetics, twinning and contemporary issues in human genetics. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement, AND (BI 101 and BI 102), or (BI 211 and BI 212), or BI 112.

BI 231. Human Anatomy & Physiology I. 4 Credits.

Introduces basic anatomical and physiological terms, tissues, the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems including nervous histology, physiology, spinal cord and nerves. Includes lecture discussions complemented by laboratories involving microscopy, animal dissection, physiological exercises and computer based exercises. This is the first course in a three-course sequence. Prerequisites: (WR 115 and RD 115) or IRW 115 and MTH 65 or equivalent placement, and BI 112 or (BI 211 and BI 212). Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 232. Human Anatomy & Physiology II. 4 Credits.

Continues the study of the nervous system, including brain, cranial nerves, and autonomic nervous system. Introduces the endocrine, cardiovascular and immune systems. Includes lecture discussions complemented by laboratories involving microscopy, animal dissection, physiological exercises and computer based exercises. This is the second course in a three-course sequence. Prerequisite: BI 231. Audit available.
This course fulfills the following GE requirements: Science, Math, and Computer Sci/SCI

BI 233. Human Anatomy & Physiology III. 4 Credits.

Introduces the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems, metabolism and fluid and electrolyte balances, embryology and genetics. Includes lecture discussions complemented by laboratories involving microscopy, animal dissection, physiological exercises and computer based exercises. Concludes a three-course sequence. Prerequisite: BI 232. Audit available.

BI 234. Microbiology. 5 Credits.

Lecture, recitation, and laboratory cover: bacterial identification, morphology, metabolism and genetics; bacterial, viral, and parasitic relationships with human health and disease; and basic immunology. Laboratory stresses aseptic technique, bacterial identification and physiology using a variety of media, culturing techniques, and staining techniques. Recommend BI 231. Prerequisites: BI 112 or (BI 211 and BI 212) and their prerequisite requirements. Audit available.

BI 241. Pathophysiology. 4 Credits.

Covers how alterations in homeostasis and in cellular function lead to diseases of various systems which may include immune, muscular, skeletal, integument, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive systems. Prerequisites: BI 231 and BI 232. Prerequisite/concurrent: BI 233. Audit available.

BI 280A. Cooperative Education: Biology. 1-10 Credit.

Offers relevant experience in the field or laboratory in an area of biology or environmental sciences. Provides an opportunity to make a cooperative education training agreement with an instructor, an employer/supervisor, and a cooperative education specialist. Prerequisite: BI 101 or BI 211, and instructor permission. Audit available.

BI 287. Introduction to Immunology. 4 Credits.

Introduces the principles of immunology including: development of the immune system, innate immunity, immunoglobulin structure and genetics, antigen-antibody reactions, the major histocompatibility complex reactions and antigen presentation, T cell receptors (genetics, structure, selection), T cell activation and effector functions, anergy and apoptosis, cytokines, phagocytic cell function, immune responses to infectious organisms and tumors, autoimmune diseases, autoimmunity, allergies, and immune deficiencies. Recommended for students who seek admission into the allied health programs or clinical technology programs. Prerequisites: BI 112 or (BI 211 and BI 212) Audit available.

BI 298. Independent Study. 1-4 Credit.

Provides an opportunity for students to work independently on an advanced individualized area of study within biology under the sponsorship and guidance of a biology faculty member. Recommend: Prior study in biology. Prerequisites: Instructor permission. Audit available.