Programs & Disciplines

Support Courses
Career Technical Courses
Lower Division Collegiate Courses

Support Courses

ABE: Adult Education
ALC: Alternative Learning Courses
ALM: Alternative Learning Mathematics
DE: Developmental Education
ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages

Career Technical Courses*

AB: Auto Collision Repair Technology
AD: Addiction Counseling
AM: Automotive Service Technology
AMT: Aviation Maintenance Technology
APR: Apprenticeship
ARCH: Architectural Design and Drafting
AVS: Aviation Science
BA: Business Administration (BA 100, 106, 116, 216A, 255, 278, 289, 290, 292, 295)
BCT: Building Construction Technology
BIT: Bioscience Technology
CADD: Computer Added Design and Drafting
CCET: Civil and Construction Engineering Technology
CIS: Computer Information Systems
CJA: Criminal Justice (CJA 117, 220, 224, 227, 230, 231, 244, 246, 250, 265)
CTT: Computed Tomography
DA: Dental Assisting
DH: Dental Hygiene
DS: Diesel Service Technology
DST: Dealer Service Technology
ECE: Early Childhood Education
ED: Education (ED 102, 112, 161, 162, 163, 208, 218, 263, 264, 290)
EET: Electronic Engineering Technology
ELT: Electrical Trades
EMS: Emergency Medical Services
EPG: Electric Power Generation
FMT: Facilities Maintenance Technology
FP: Fire Protection Technology
FT: Exercise Science
GD: Graphic Design
GRN: Gerontology
HEC: Parenting Education and Family Life (HEC 140, 201, 212) 
HIM: Health Information Management
HUS: Family and Human Services
ID: Interior Design
INSP: Building Inspection Technology
ITP: ASL/English Interpreting
LAT: Landscape Technology
MA: Medical Assisting
MCH: Machine Manufacturing Technology
MLT: Medical Laboratory Technology
MM: Multimedia
MP: Medical Professions
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MSD: Management and Supervisory Development
MT: Microelectronic Technology
MUC: Music & Sonic Arts
NRS: Nursing
OMT: Eye Technician
PL: Paralegal
RAD: Radiography
UAS: Unoccupied Aircraft Systems
VT: Veterinary Technology
WLD: Welding Technology


Many career and technical courses are applicable to the baccalaureate degree. Check with the BA-granting institution.

Lower Division Collegiate Courses

(only course numbers 100-299 are LDC at PCC)
ART: Art
ASL: American Sign Language
ATH: Anthropology
BA: Business Administration** (except BA 100, 116, 216A, 255, 278, 289, 290, 292, 295)
BI: Biology**
CG: College Success and Career Guidance **
CH: Chemistry
CHLA: Chicano/Latino Studies
CHN: Chinese
CIS: Computer Information Systems (CIS 120, 121, 122)
CJA: Criminal Justice (except CJA 117, 220, 230, 231, 244, 246, 250, 265)
COMM: Communication Studies
CS: Computer Science
CSS: Crop Soil Science
EC: Economics
ED: Education (ED 100, 123, 124, 131, 136, 214, 217, 224, 225, 251, 252, 258, 259, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 291, 298A,C)
ENG: English
ENGR: Engineering
ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages**
ES: Ethnic Studies
ESR: Environmental Studies
FN: Foods and Nutrition 
FR: French
G: Geology
GEO: Geography
GER: German
GGS: Geology & General Science
GS: General Science
HE: Health Studies
HEC: Parenting Education and Family Life (HEC 226)
HON: Honors
HOR: Horticulture
HST: History
HUM: Humanities
IDS: Interdisciplinary Studies
INTL: International Studies
IRW: Integrated Reading & Writing**
J: Journalism
JPN: Japanese
LIB: Library
MTH: Mathematics**
MUP: Applied Music
MUS: Music
NAS: Native American Studies
PE: Physical Education
PHL: Philosophy
PHY: Physics
PS: Political Science
PSY: Psychology
R: Religious Studies
RD: Reading**
RUS: Russian
SJ: Social Justice
SOC: Sociology
SPA: Spanish
STAT: Statistics
TA: Theatre Arts
WR: Writing**
WS: Women’s and Gender Studies


A number below 100 indicates a support course and a number above 9000 indicates a vocational supplementary course. These courses are not usually transferable. PCC is committed to offering instruction providing students with the opportunity for self-improvement, entry level employment skills and to complete the first two years of a baccalaureate degree.