
  • Students enrolling in credit courses at Portland Community College (PCC) for the first time must complete the admissions process.
  • Students new to PCC who are enrolling in credit courses must complete an orientation designed specifically for new students and complete an assessment of their basic skills before they register.
  • All students are strongly encouraged to use the services of the Academic Advising Centers.
  • Students performing below requisite skill levels in areas such as reading, writing, math, and computer literacy, are advised to enroll in courses to upgrade their skills.
  • Students must meet prerequisites for course and programs, if applicable.
  • Students may not enroll in courses with concurrent or overlapping meeting times.

Policy/Standard Name:  Enrollment
Policy/Standard Identifier:  E201
Units responsible for review and update:  Dean of Enrollment Strategy and Services, Dean of Academic and Career Pathways Guidance
Approval: College President
Responsibility: Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Student Affairs
Date of Final Approval: February 2016
Effective Term: February 2016
Prior Versions: Yes