Student Profile

Portland Community College enrolls more than 50,000 students in credit and noncredit instruction each year.  The following table reflects characteristics of students enrolled in fall 2023. 

  Credit Non-Credit
Female 56% 56%
Male 43% 25%
Sex not reported 1% 19%
White 50% 49%
Black/African-American 6% 4%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 1% 1%
Asian 8% 9%
Pacific Islander 1% <1%
Hispanic/Latinx 22% 17%
International 1% 1%
Multi-Racial 7% 2%
Race/ethnicity not reported 5% 16%
Age under 20 years 30% 5%
Age 20-24 28% 9%
Age 25-29 15% 11%
Age 30+ 28% 75%
Average Age 24 years 44 years

Student Right to Know

Approximately 2,435 first time in college, full-time enrolled, credential seeking students entered PCC in fall 2020.  By the end of three years, 18% of the students graduated from PCC and an additional 27% transferred to another post-secondary institution before completing a PCC credential.